“7 reasons why sole traders haven’t taken a day’s holiday in the last year”

Jul 20, 2018 | Economy

Not really a surprise that those who enjoy the ‘freedom’ of running their own businesses are far less likely to take a holiday, let alone have a day off if they’re feeling a bit off colour. Some love their jobs, most are worrying about losing business, those that do get away are (believe me) still chained to their computers. It’s also worth remembering that many of those liberated from the shackles of employment are actually delivering your pizzas or latest Amazon order on a lower hourly rate than those sweeping the floor in Asda. It’s called progress. But we are, at least, our own bosses.

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“Donald Trump is winning. Business, beware”

“Donald Trump is winning. Business, beware”

There’s a perception that whatever might be the consequences for the rest of the world, Trump as President should be good for business. Surely, as a business man himself, he’d be the friend of Corporate America, and everything, money-making-wise, went pretty well last time around didn’t it?