“Aberdeen Standard launch SICAV fund managed by artificial intelligence”

If you’re a fan of the brilliant, page-turner author Robert Harris, you may have read ‘The Fear Index’, his surely-sci-fi 2011 novel about a hedge fund managed by Artificial Intelligence. Well, guess what, such a thing has come to pass, at the behest of Standard Life, no less.  In the novel the AI could also control the markets. I’d give it less than another seven years, wouldn’t you? Clever these Chinese, as my grandad might have said.

Read more here

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“UK becomes the fraud capital of the world”

“UK becomes the fraud capital of the world”

It’s ten years now since Neil Woodford launched his own fund management company. He was seen as a miracle-working fund-management guru in our business for many years, running highly successful equity income funds with Invesco, formerly Invesco Perpetual.