“‘Greedy, tax-dodging capitalism’ branded in need of reform”

Oct 31, 2017 | Economy


You can interpret half a dozen senior capitalists saying that capitalism has gone to far as a sign that capitalism has gone too far; or that they think it’s worth hedging their bets in cash JC is indeed the next PM (see my quotes of the week if you’re a blog-reader). For what it’s worth, we’ve supposedly been a ‘mixed economy’ for the past 60 years or so, mostly achieved by swings of the pendulum from left to right and back again. This seems to me an indication that we’re at the right-hand end of the scale. Most Corbynistas would say we haven’t been at the left-hand end since 1945. Treat that as a dire warning/light at the end of the tunnel, depending on your current political complexion.

Read more here


city 1
“Donald Trump is winning. Business, beware”

“Donald Trump is winning. Business, beware”

There’s a perception that whatever might be the consequences for the rest of the world, Trump as President should be good for business. Surely, as a business man himself, he’d be the friend of Corporate America, and everything, money-making-wise, went pretty well last time around didn’t it?