“Inflation: UK prices soar at fastest rate for almost ten years”

Nov 19, 2021 | Economy

Interestingly, most who ask me about this aren’t necessarily worried about it, but are worrying whether they should be worried about it. That depends where you are in the income and assets chain. As always, those at the top end, and those living on income from investments will remain as comfortable as ever. Investment returns generally inflate with inflation and the more you earn and spend, the more wriggle room you have. If most of your wage or benefits are spent to survive, survival becomes more difficult. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer, twas ever thus…

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“Donald Trump is winning. Business, beware”

“Donald Trump is winning. Business, beware”

There’s a perception that whatever might be the consequences for the rest of the world, Trump as President should be good for business. Surely, as a business man himself, he’d be the friend of Corporate America, and everything, money-making-wise, went pretty well last time around didn’t it?