With some exceptions, most parents want to ensure they treat their children equally. The problem is, if they use their wills to level up who’s had what, their definition of equally may differ from that of their kids. Some will without doubt feel more equal than others and in many families, a will can lead to open warfare and woulds which never heal. The answer is to make sure there are no surprises and no dramatic, gothic-novel, gasp of surprise-style reading-of-the-will ceremonies. Easier said than done, as it involves the sort of frank conversations at which we Brits are generally rubbish. Or leave too late.
Ireland’s Budget Surplus
Remember George Osborne? His plan was to cut his way to a ‘budget surplus’, where the government has more money coming in than goes out, by 2015. He dropped that particular plan in 2016, so before Brexit could be blamed for our later and current woes.