“Let little boys wear tiaras: Church of England issues new advice”

Nov 16, 2017 | In the news

This has nothing to do with financial advice, but a lot to do with life and parenting. If you have children, you’ll know that they don’t give a stuff about this stuff and actually don’t find (in the words of Blur, of whom they probably won’t have heard) ’girls who are boys, who like boys to be girls’ a problem at all; which I think is a sign of both the bravest of brave new worlds and of how far we’ve come in just my generation. Rock on, C of E.

Read more here


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“Should Rishi Sunak’s recent net zero pivot be of concern?'”

“Should Rishi Sunak’s recent net zero pivot be of concern?'”

The answer to the headline question should be, of course, a big, fat ‘Yes!’ Of course you can, and many do, always say ‘Doesn’t matter what we do it’s China/America/Everyone Else who’s causing all the problems and making electric cars and all the electricity they use is just as harmful and even if we recycle stuff it all gets dumped in the sea in Third World countries anyway…’

Ireland’s Budget Surplus

Ireland’s Budget Surplus

Remember George Osborne? His plan was to cut his way to a ‘budget surplus’, where the government has more money coming in than goes out, by 2015. He dropped that particular plan in 2016, so before Brexit could be blamed for our later and current woes.