The conversations we have with clients about their retirement inevitably start with ‘can we afford...
“Save £460 a month in your twenties to become ‘pension millionaire’”
I’m sure the first reaction of most will be ‘easier said than done’. If you’re in you, or more...
“Middle-aged people in a relationship find it easier to plan for retirement”
This may come as a surprise to many a married person, but it seems that being single is far more...
“People put off from pension saving by complex system”
Many of the conversations we have with clients about pensions involve helping them to understand...
“Midlifers face ‘uphill challenge’ when saving for comfortable retirement”
There are a heck of a lot of variables to consider here. One person’s midlife is another’s old age...
“Why you should never retire”
On my 50th birthday, I will always remember, amongst the card or two I received was a letter from...
“‘Teachers reveal scale of pupils’ hunger as 100,000 frozen out of free school meals”
There’s been much talk of the extra ‘stealth’ tax-take likely to be included in next week’s...
“Quarter of savers concerned about financial health in retirement – PLSA”
The fact that it’s only a quarter is a triumph of hope over what’s likely to be experienced. Or...
“Half of UK adults worried about retirement funding”
Apparently the ‘average worker’ saves a tad under £300 per month for their retirement; in most...
“Care homes: Following the money trail”
Care homes began to be privatised at the end of Maggie’s ‘80s. I remember all sorts of grants were...
“UK care homes say funding shake-up threatens their viability”
Much of the emphasis in the ‘how to solve the care problem’ debate has been on ‘PMI’, Protecting...
“‘Pupil poverty’ pressure on school cash”
Last year, the UN said that ‘the UK government is in a state of denial about the impact of...
“There is no “Brexit dividend” to spend on the NHS”
Theresa May has finally learned from the ‘Leave’ campaign veterans with whom she's surrounded,...