“Take action over children’s smartphone addiction”

Jan 10, 2018 | In the news

Over a post-Christmas meal, my children agreed between them that they wished they’d grown up in the 70’s or 80’s ‘when everyone talked to one another before iphones and computers’. I found myself, ironically, defending the tech age; the fact that we had, that morning, seen and spoken to their brother as he lay on a beach somewhere off the Mekong Delta; that we were taking it in turns to choose from the infinite number of songs being played by some woman our wireless speaker; and that much of what they knew about the 70s and 80s came from YouTube. Who knows, maybe they’re at the vanguard of a digital backlash. Or maybe everyone sees the past through rose-coloureds. Brexit? I rest my case.

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Ireland’s Budget Surplus

Ireland’s Budget Surplus

Remember George Osborne? His plan was to cut his way to a ‘budget surplus’, where the government has more money coming in than goes out, by 2015. He dropped that particular plan in 2016, so before Brexit could be blamed for our later and current woes.