“There is no “Brexit dividend” to spend on the NHS”

Jun 19, 2018 | NHS

Theresa May has finally learned from the ‘Leave’ campaign veterans with whom she’s surrounded, that most of the voting public will only remember the loudest part of any story, and none of the detail which comes later. In this case, it’s that old, winning favourite, the £ms we save from Brexit saving the NHS.

Of course, those useless experts, even the ones employed by No.10, tell a different story: “There is no Brexit dividend. Payments to the EU will fall, but tax revenues will fall far more. That is the official position of the government which has accepted the Office for Budget Responsibility’s forecast that public finances are likely to be weakened to the tune of £15bn a year as a result of Brexit” (Paul Johnson, IFS, former chief economist at the Treasury). 

Read more here

“NHS waits force patients to pay for private ops”

“NHS waits force patients to pay for private ops”

Years ago when I worked in Greece, families used to fly their poorly relatives to London to get better medical treatment. Now it’s cheaper, even with the cost of flights and hotels, to go to Lithuania for a hip replacement and Hungary or Turkey for a bit of dental work.