Michael Gove: Let homeowners scavenge for waste at council dumps

Nov 9, 2018 | In the news

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and leading Brexiteer Michael Gove knows how to woo those with whom we’ll need to trade when we Rejoin the Rest of the World. Rubbish dump recycling is, by default, a way of life, often survival for many in India. And let’s face it, it could be a post-Brexit boon for those who haven’t had the cash or foresight to stockpile spam and baked beans; and cut youth unemployment at a stroke. Our kids could become Slumdog Millionaires! Bravo, Mr. Gove.

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“The working-from-home illusion fades”

“The working-from-home illusion fades”

Are workers working from home more or less productive than those catching the 7.02am to London Bridge every day? ‘Probably sitting at home in their bleedin’ jim-jams’, said someone recently of a less-than-helpful call centre employee, the assumption being that, were they surrounded by colleagues and with a manager cracking the whip, he or she would have sorted his energy bill more efficiently.