“D-Day veterans retrace journey made 75 years ago”

Jun 6, 2019 | In the news

Conversation overheard in vegan café, lady who’s just told the world N. Farage should be PM: ‘I’m 83 now and I’ve told my grandchildren to not even bother having children, I mean what sort of world  are they going to grow up in?’ Strange how often you hear this sort of stuff. When she was eight, D-Day was happening, for goodness sake. Was that a better world? No, this is better. But no doubt I’ll be saying the same thing in twenty years time.

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“The working-from-home illusion fades”

“The working-from-home illusion fades”

Are workers working from home more or less productive than those catching the 7.02am to London Bridge every day? ‘Probably sitting at home in their bleedin’ jim-jams’, said someone recently of a less-than-helpful call centre employee, the assumption being that, were they surrounded by colleagues and with a manager cracking the whip, he or she would have sorted his energy bill more efficiently.