“Reopening schools will put UK back in lockdown, top scientist warns”

Aug 12, 2020 | In the news

Schools have been much in the news this week. For quite rightly, saying that, while they have to complete a several-page risk assessment (I remember these from my years as governor) to take kids to a local museum, they’re expected to make it up as they go along as the reopen in the midst of a pandemic. And, yes, the Scottish students were quite right to say ‘Trust our Teachers’. The nettle should be grasped and exams abolished in favour of properly-moderated teacher assessments. They won’t be of course, as enough of those in charge will have crammed their ways through their exams and so work on the ‘if it was good enough for me’, basis. Thus policy always takes two steps back for each forward-thinking reform. I’d say.

Read more here

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“The working-from-home illusion fades”

“The working-from-home illusion fades”

Are workers working from home more or less productive than those catching the 7.02am to London Bridge every day? ‘Probably sitting at home in their bleedin’ jim-jams’, said someone recently of a less-than-helpful call centre employee, the assumption being that, were they surrounded by colleagues and with a manager cracking the whip, he or she would have sorted his energy bill more efficiently.