“Greta the ‘bunny-hugger’ warns world leaders”

Apr 23, 2021 | In the news

Werner Heisenberg discovered/invented quantum physics when he was 23. I know this only because I heard it on Radio 2 this week. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were about the same age when they started Microsoft and Apple. And how many rock stars better their first couple of albums? The average age of most governments is well over 50, about the same as that of financial advisers. We and they of course, know best, because we’re old and wise. Not. More lessons of history ignored. It’s Greta to whom we should actually listen and our children who should be running our businesses. If we ever want things to change.

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“The working-from-home illusion fades”

“The working-from-home illusion fades”

Are workers working from home more or less productive than those catching the 7.02am to London Bridge every day? ‘Probably sitting at home in their bleedin’ jim-jams’, said someone recently of a less-than-helpful call centre employee, the assumption being that, were they surrounded by colleagues and with a manager cracking the whip, he or she would have sorted his energy bill more efficiently.