“Why investors are reaching for the astrology of finance”

I thought this might be a way to finally make certain members of my family, and perhaps many others, take an interest in the world of finance. Does history show that investing in growth stocks when the New Moon is in Pisces is particularly propitious? Are companies with a high proportion of Earth Signs on their board more likely to sustain dividends in a recession? Turns out it’s all to do with graphs and stats, yield curve, and not birth charts. I think, however, I might be on to something, as star signs are probably as good (or useless) as any other way of trying to predict the unpredictable. If you want to make a quick buck tomorrow, the tarot cards and crystals are likely to be as much use as most short-term investment gurus and share tippers. Anyway, for fellow 70s music connoisseurs, ‘Pisces, and my name is Phil’…

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“LSEG report: Most active funds are underperforming their benchmarks”

“LSEG report: Most active funds are underperforming their benchmarks”

So-called ‘tracker’ or ‘passive’ funds have become very much more sophisticated in recent years, largely facilitated by technology. The originals, you may remember the Virgin UK Index Tracker, launched nearly 30 years ago, mimicked the FTSE index and, as they don’t need anyone to manage them, were and are very much cheaper than ‘active’ funds.