“Hybrid advice is the way of the future”

Sep 7, 2022 | Digital

‘Hybrid’ or ’now you see me in your living room, now you don’t’ advice, is still the buzzphrase-du-moment in our business since the pandemic made us all tech experts and sent the share prices of Zoom and Co. soaring. Our definition of ‘hybrid’ is rather different to the ‘personalised digital journey’ of the big, onliners, hoping to cash in. We’re offering the same personal service and relationship as before, just not necessarily sitting across your dining room table. We reduced our charges accordingly, but not as much, I guess, as we could ‘by utilising machine learning and automation’ and ‘reducing manual intervention to where it is necessary’. And while many advisers say that it’s new clients they have to meet face-to-face, my experience is the opposite. It’s those who are used to seeing us who want a visit. The others don’t know, for better or worse, what they’re missing!

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