“New mums have enough on their plate without dangerous ‘advice’ to contend with”

Mar 4, 2024 | Financial Services

The ‘dangerous advice’ in question here is not what you might hear from almost any properly authorised and regulated financial adviser. The online and wider world is full of influencers (parents etc.) and those with ‘success stories’ to spread around and publicise, in this case about the ‘real’ way to make money and break the shackles of not having enough money. The danger is that many might put their shirt, blouse or house into unregulated or high-risk schemes as a result, cryptocurrencies, for instance or the many sure-fire property investments popping up all over the internet. OK, you might never be able to pay your mortgage off tomorrow if you steadily save into the sort of medium-risk, managed fund which most of our recommendations involve; but you won’t lose your house either. So unless you have houses you can afford to lose, boring is often best…

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“Advisers fearful of further compliance and regulation”

“Advisers fearful of further compliance and regulation”

We know, of course we know, that regulation is, or at least should be a ‘good thing’. If those who need or should seek advice can be confident that they’ll be told the right thing, that someone has looked at those ’too good to be true’ investments before they’re allowed to take your money; or, in the case of a Woodford, while they’re raking it in to make sure it’s going where it’s supposed to.