“Platforms call for UK government to resist launching ‘retrograde’ British ISAs”

Feb 9, 2024 | Investments

There is a school of thought which might say that, should you wish to revive and encourage investment in the UK Stockmarket, a starting point might be the reversal of Brexit. Since we ceased to be an alternative-currency gateway to Europe, many a company has chosen to list on alternative indices. It’s unlikely, I’d say that this pre-Budget mooted gimmick of an additional ISA allowance for UK-only investments is likely to bring a flood of patriotic investments sufficient to halt the decline. As advisers, we’d say limiting your exposure to a single market increases your risk level and probably leave you ‘go it alone’. It’s not, of course, that there aren’t many great companies, stocks and shares in which to invest here; just that it’s a big, wide world these days; and we and they have to earn their place in any, properly-spread portfolio.

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