Local readers will think, by the end of this review, that I should be moving to Stroud and aligning myself with the ley lines. But I’ve found this little book to be really self-helpful, and I’m not someone who usually goes in for this sort of thing. It’s premise is not that we should all grow dreads, move to the country and live on radishes; rather that we can slow down and make sense the mad, ‘phone, socmed and email driven lives many/most of us now live by adopting a few daily ‘rituals’ and ‘rhythms’. It struck a chord with me, I think, because I could identify with some that I already, perhaps unknowingly, have as part of my day. A morning ‘brain dump’, for instance, writing with actual pen on paper everything I think I should do or worry about. The bit I don’t do is narrow it down to just three. Having a morning routine or ‘rhythm’ as she prefers; making screen-free time in the day, and especially before bed; and a few, but, what works, not too many others. Suspend your New Age suspicions and give it a go. I’ve read it three times now.