“Britain to BAKE in hottest October day in 100 years as temperatures soar”

Oct 11, 2018 | In the news

‘Why are you always so negative, Philip’, I was asked last week on Twitter following some Brexit-related comment or other. Well, I’m not. I was very positive about the fab weather we enjoyed this week. It put a spring in my and most peoples’ step; another day of outdoor living and café society before dread winter arrives. But at least half of those I shared my happiness with told me that the end was nigh and it was a sign that Global Warming would finish off our grandchildren. Can’t win, can you?

Read more here

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“The working-from-home illusion fades”

“The working-from-home illusion fades”

Are workers working from home more or less productive than those catching the 7.02am to London Bridge every day? ‘Probably sitting at home in their bleedin’ jim-jams’, said someone recently of a less-than-helpful call centre employee, the assumption being that, were they surrounded by colleagues and with a manager cracking the whip, he or she would have sorted his energy bill more efficiently.