“NHS England survey reveals ‘alarming downturn’ in staff wellbeing”

Feb 27, 2019 | NHS

My conclusion, having read both @DrHenryMarsh’s ‘Do No Harm’ and Adam Kay’s ‘This is Going to Hurt’, is that 1) it will take more than Boris’s mythical £350m a week to save the NHS and 2) I’m literally going to work ’til I drop to make sure I can still pay my BUPA premiums. The ‘privatise it’ gang say we should get tax relief on those to encourage us to go private. That works so well with pensions, doesn’t it? Those that need it most still have least; and we plummet into TrumpLand.

Read more here

“NHS waits force patients to pay for private ops”

“NHS waits force patients to pay for private ops”

Years ago when I worked in Greece, families used to fly their poorly relatives to London to get better medical treatment. Now it’s cheaper, even with the cost of flights and hotels, to go to Lithuania for a hip replacement and Hungary or Turkey for a bit of dental work.