“Pensions not a ‘top priority’- industry reacts to cabinet reshuffle”

Nov 16, 2023 | Pensions

Plenty to talk about in Rishi’s Reshuffle this week, little, if any, in a positive way, I’d say. Leaving aside the Old-Etonian Elephant in the room, it’s certainly true that the role of pensions minister has been still-further devalued. It’s seen as a junior stepping-stone to greater political glory and few have been in post long enough to make any sort of a difference. I guess most MP’s find the nitty gritty of pensions about as interesting as most of the rest of the population, we nerds aside. But the financial future of the various Gen Zs, Xs et al will rely on someone willing to get a grip, and take a long-term view of that actual nitty gritty. Some actual cross-party thinking is needed, as by its very nature, pension-planning is a long-term thing. Just like long-term care. So it’s dream-on time, alas.

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“Advisers should not fear being replaced by AI”

“Advisers should not fear being replaced by AI”

Until I read this, I hadn’t worried that I or any of my ilk might be replaced by robots, or AI at least, which to many a mind is the same thing. I remember Hal the computer in 2001, and of course the Daleks, although I think they’d be more likely to exterminate than advise.

“Budget rumblings: Is Labour really going to axe pensions tax relief?”

“Budget rumblings: Is Labour really going to axe pensions tax relief?”

‘What will happen in The Budget?’ (never sure whether to capitalise, answers on a postcard, please) is still the hot topic at every meeting and on every call. As discussed, seemingly endlessly here, will it be CGT or IHT, will they have to courage to bump up income tax and, perhaps more importantly to many, what about pensions?

“Pension undersaving is ‘ticking time bomb'”

“Pension undersaving is ‘ticking time bomb'”

I’ve had several emails within days of the Labour Landslide, from clients worried about their tax-free cash, tax relief on pension contributions or IHT and what will or won’t be paid out from their pensions on death.