Not sure how many of us actually fantasise about living into our hundreds nor the extent to which we can prepare for it. ‘The second 50 years of your life can offer both opportunities and challenges’…well, yes, and how many ‘it all depends’ are there likely to be in any consideration of those? Health, obviously; motivation, and knowing, for some what the heck to do with themselves; and, yes, money. It’s because so many are living so much longer that those now old-fashioned final salary pensions have closed and are fast disappearing as their remaining members gradually shuffle off. Most were geared to pay index-linked pensions for an average of ten years or so, not 30 or 40. So without other savings, those centenarians will need more than just a letter from HM to sustain them. And there’s the rub.
“Advisers should not fear being replaced by AI”
Until I read this, I hadn’t worried that I or any of my ilk might be replaced by robots, or AI at least, which to many a mind is the same thing. I remember Hal the computer in 2001, and of course the Daleks, although I think they’d be more likely to exterminate than advise.