There are large numbers of Daily Mail/Express readers and Loud Blokes in the Gym Locker Room who...
“Stock markets stabilise after earlier sell-off”
Markets are down. Just one of those things or the onset of armageddon? In the year 2000 (cue...
Brexit negotiations
Brexit may be comparable to a divorce in emotional terms (good for one partner or the other,...
Be careful what you wish for…
Berlin has a lot of history, most of it recent. Flattened, divided, reunited and now (nearly)...
Financial services industry regulations
Financial Times: ‘The UK government has told the financial services industry that Britain will...
“FCA will not protect customers of failed funeral plans”
If you fork out for your funeral while you’re still alive, you kind-of hope you’re doing it well...
Use pension contributions to claw back child benefits – Royal London
For those who accuse me of rattling on about Brexit and other politics rather than dispensing...
How long will the UK Stock Market Rally Continue?
Every week a financial journalist asks a fund manager the questions we advisers are asked most...
‘It’s unfair. I came to the UK aged six’ – BBC News
And this is before #brexit. So why? Read more here
‘Hard’ Brexit would give UK economy ‘£135bn annual boost’
The sort of hard Brexit for which these free-marketeers (another ‘think-tank’) argue would ‘boost...
Frankfurt is winning the battle for Brexit spoils
Hate to say I told you so, but... Read more here
Leaked document reveals UK Brexit plan to deter EU immigrants
If, as free-marketeers, our Brexit-leaders believe in the laws of supply and demand, the demand is...